YoSaN's Lesson!!

How to draw Freeza from Dragon Ball Z!!

Step.1 Okay! Like every other "pro" artist (Sorry I'm no PRO)..You have to start with basic forms, shapes, and lines to get the proportion right.  So here's Freeza's big head shaped as a sphere.  Note that the line of his eyes are always in the middle of the sphere, and the ear is always measure from the eyes through the nose. 
Step.2   I then look it over and made alot of changes (Drew the eyes, nose, mouth, and forehead) , and especially change his face's proportions because I ask myself..Is the chin too long?  What about the his ears, are they too big? Ect..Ect..  And here, I may not have any pics of Freeza, but at least he does look like kind of like this...Anyway to the next step!
Step.3  Phew! When you get the idea from Step.2 , I then finally re-outline it by pushing more pressure to my mechanical pencil and easily follow the line.  Notice Freeza's ear  proportion has changed alot, and a neck was somehow added. I also added his huge eye balls...Now to my favorite part!
Step.4 Guess what?  I then finally add the shades under his neck and his big bald head. and VOILA we've got a Freeza on the menu!!
 Step.5  Well here's the final Freeza...:)  I hope this helps and thanks for taking your time visiting this section.  Maybe some other time, more DBZ cast may be put up...who knows??


Stephan Vang (YoSaN)

Note: Freeza is a copyright of Akira Toriyama from the Manga of DBZ and of course CANNOT be taken, replicated, or change it without the permission of the man himself! (Eventually)